Friday, May 12, 2017

Here is what NZ based "Flat out Tali" has to say about "My Friendship with Yoga"

I invite you to read the great book “My Friendship with Yoga” by Revathi Raj Iyer

Visit Revathi's Facebook page

Yoga for Body & Mind -…/yoga-good-for-body-and…/


This book is connecting people far and wide. After being at the London Book Fair and College & Research Libraries, Baltimore this book is generating warm responses and good reviews, for which I am grateful to book clubs and all other online resources and social media network. International Yoga Day is coming up next month. As the world will celebrate Yoga on the 21st of June, this unique book will be an ideal keepsake. Thank You!

# laddersbookclub thinkpink #livegreen #yoga4all #holistichealth #wellness #liberating #flatouttali

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