Thursday, December 13, 2018

Review of "My Friendship with Yoga" by Ms Swapna Peri, well versed with Yoga

Book Title: My Friendship with Yoga
Author: Revathi Raj Iyer
Format: Paperback

Book Title:

The title of the book definitely strikes a chord of interest as it instantly develops an emotion between the book and the reader.

Book Cover:

The cover image of the book is a beautifully crafted digital photograph of a woman sitting in a relaxing yet powerful yoga pose with a serene background.

My review about the book:

Historically yoga was more than just a method of physical exercise as it now being propagated; it was a way of life. In general, everyone has dedicated themselves to a lifestyle and culture that surpassed meditation techniques and included healthy eating habits, bathing habits, social interaction, and work. But the basic importance of the existence of life and its unison with soul is often possible only through the yoga illustrations in everyone’s life.

Every yoga asana (pose) has a different name and includes standing postures, seated twists, backbends, arm balances, inversions and core holds. The downward facing dog for example, is in itself said to calm the brain, energise the body, improve digestion, strengthen arms and legs and be therapeutic for high blood pressure. Whilst these benefits come as a given with most postures, the practise of yoga as a whole provides many more benefits than one might think.

In this book, Author Mrs.Revathi has created a perfect bridge between the theoretical approach and illustrative approach of various Yoga asanas and the importance of Unison of body, mind, and soul. In the book, she has very well brought before to her readers that Yoga has both preventative and therapeutic benefits. It has been shown to offer both physical and mental benefits to the body and the mind.

With great illustration of every asana or pose, the physical benefits of yoga which include: the improvement of flexibility and muscle joint mobility; strengthening, toning, and building healthy muscles; correcting posture; strengthening the spine; also eases back pain; improves muscular-skeletal conditions such as bad knees, tight shoulders, and neck, increases stamina; creates balance and grace; stimulates the glands of the endocrine system; improves digestion and elimination; increases circulation; improves heart conditions; improves breathing disorders; boosts immune response; decreases cholesterol and blood sugar levels; and encourages weight loss and many many more advantages. All the listed results are beautifully explained in every page of the book with great dedication, positivity, and extremely laudable social responsibility.

As an ardent reader, I have been reading many books on Yoga and practicing the same for many years. I have indulged myself in great works of BKS Iyengar, Patanjali, Jaggi Vasudev, and K.Pattabhi Jois. I often had taken my father’s help in understanding certain aspects. But, after going through this book, ‘ My Friendship with Yoga ‘, I can definitely say this is one of the best comprehensive works of various types of Yoga Practices we have in our tradition and one of the best books till date.

Link to buy the book:

Here's the link to the blog of the reviewer:

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